Open House
Confident Carer
BME Social Club
Parent Carer Group
Therapy Sessions
Befriending Service
Carers Advocacy Service
Do you care for someone?
At Doncaster Partnership for Carers (DPfC) we aim to support you in your caring role and your personal development by giving you the tools and resources to ensure you are looking after your own health and wellbeing as well as the person you care for.
DPfC at The Carers House organise a yearly programme of activities, training and awareness sessions focusing on the needs of carers.
Here are some of the activities taking place:-
Open House
Once a week on a Wednesday The Carers House hosts an Open House. It takes place from 10.00am - 3.00pm.
Carers and cared for are invited to come and spend time at the house whre they will be able to register, have a cuppa and a chat with other carers, enjoy some lunch and join in
after-lunch arts and crafts activities. Find out what's happening in and around Doncaster and sign up to some of The Carers House members planned social outings.
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The Open House can offer the following:-
This programme is aimed at providing confidence to recognise the important role carers play in the continued good health and wellbeing of the person they care for and the need to look after their own health.
BME (Black & Minority Ethnic) SOCIAL CLUB
Enjoy a range of outings and activities, make new friends and grow in confidence whilst doing so.
Meet up with parents of children with special needs, share experiences and knowledge whilst making new friends.
Learn the skill of Indian head massage, aromatherapy skills and much more.
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Befriending Service
Do you sometimes feel you don't have anybody to talk to?
Would you like to chat about everyday things including your caring role?
Do you want to talk to someone who understands your situation?
Give The Carers House a ring. You will be matched up with a befriender who can call you on a regular basis for a chat.
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Carers Advocacy Service
Advocacy is about helping you to make sure that your views and wishes are heard by others, especially those in positions of authority or power.
A DPfC Advocate will:-
Listen to you and your concerns as you see them
Make you aware of your rights to support and services
Provide all the information you need to be able to make an informed decision
Make you aware of your options and their possible consequences
Make sure that people listen to you and take your views into consideration
Attend meetings, write letters or make phone calls on your behalf
Maintain your confidentiality.
To access the DPfC Carers Advocacy Service call 01302 637566.